Version: 1.0
Size: 1.4 Mb
How to install FM-200 DESIGN FIRE SUPPRESSION apk for android
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Clean fire extinguishing systems, FM-200 systems are suitable to be used for the fire that occurred in an area equipped with high value electrical and electronic equipment is an important part of doing business, such as a computer room. Control rooms, telecommunications rooms, museum or store goods or property of high value clean fire at the cabin. Equipment and property will not be damaged. Clean agent fire suppression system, this Clean fire injection system is a comprehensive whole room (Total Flooding System) protected area must be enclosed well using the standard NFPA 2001 - Standard for Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems.. The FM-200 material properties and the chemical formula CF3-CHF-CF3 or C3HF7 a boiling point of -16.4 ° C, it is a gas at room temperature. Slightly soluble in water (260 mg / liter), with elements such as First. Halogenated carbon compounds (Halocarbon Agent), which is a clean agent fire extinguisher with at least one chemical element or more of these substances is chlorine, bromine, fluorine or iodine Marine. Effective fire suppression requires introducing a concentration of the HFC-227ea agent between 6.25% and 9% depending on the hazard being protected. Its NOAEL level for cardiac sensitization is 9%. The United States Environmental Protection Agency allows concentration of 9% volume in occupied spaces without mandated egress time, or up to 10.5% for a limited time. Most fire suppression systems are designed to provide concentration of 6.25-9%.The HFC-227ea fire suppression agent was the first non-ozone depleting replacement for Halon 1301 In addition, HFC-227ea leaves no residue on valuable equipment after discharge. HFC-227ea contains no chlorine or bromine atoms,For FM-200 fire suppression system Automatic fire extinguishing system.
Download Manual FM-200 Design Link
Function FM-200 Design
1. Calculation Room Volume For Design Room
2. Function Data Design Class concentration
3. Calculation FM-200 Calculate Design
4. Calculation concentration FM-200 Class Design
5. Calculation design Pipe For CO2FM-200
6. Calculation Number Nozzle FM-200 For design Pipe
7. Table design Pipe FM-200
Download Manual FM-200 Design Link
What's new in FM-200 DESIGN FIRE SUPPRESSION 1.0
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