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Life of Hazrat Ibrahim (A) Details
Abraham (peace be upon him) was a Prophet Noah (AS) probably eleven subordinate male. There was an interval of about 000 years from Noah to Abraham. Prophet Saleh (AS) came nearly 00 years after Abraham. He was at a distance of more than 1700 years old or 000 years old. He was Abul-Anbiya ', or the father of the prophets, and his wife, Sarah, was the "Mother of the Prophet, or the prophets mother. Sarah, his wife, son Ishaque's son Jacob (peace be upon him), a descendant of 'Bani Israel' is known as the wife Hagar and son Ishmael (peace be upon him) was born in the family of the Prophet and the last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (challalla-hu alaihi wa sallam) . Whose followers 'Ummah of Muhammad' or 'Muslim Ummah' is known.Tags:
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He kenaane from Babel (Palestine) was migrated. From there, the sons of the prophets Sarah invitation to Tauhid spread throughout the neighborhood. Another wife, Hagar, Ishmael, the son of the House and its surroundings in the publicity and promotion of Monotheism, and finally, where the latest and greatest Prophet Muhammad (sm) came. Thus, the seed of Abraham's two wives were lit by the Prophets of Monotheism world. Prophet Muhammad (sm) father figure and face of Ibrahim (AS) was like. He came back to the community in which the occasion called.
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