ID: cris.wmwatch.oraxmemento.analog
Version: 1.0
Size: 0.2 Mb
Ora-X Memento Screen Preview
How to install Ora-X Memento apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Ora-X Memento Details
=> This watchface works only with WatchMaker, a powerful app to customize your Android Wear Smartwatch <==> Install it at the following link: <=
Ora-X Memento (Remember in latin) is the latest Ora-X creation, a minimalistic design created 100% in WatchMaker, that mix colors, shadows and a radar second hand that uncovers two latin phrases, Tempus Fugit (Time Flies) and Carpe Diem (Seize The Day). Tap the centre of the dial to choose from 8 beautiful color schemes. An elegant battery indicator is also provided, under 25% the hands become orange (under 15% red) and the circle at the end of each hand slowly fall to the center. Hour hand indicates smartwatch battery level, minute hand is for the phone.
Ora-X Memento, the perfect dial to show your style.
It took the 2th place at the 2015 WatchMaker/WatchAwear contest (100% WatchMaker category), to celebrate this fantastic result is offered at no cost.
If you like it, please support my work, consider to buy any of the other original Ora-X watchfaces.
Memento has the following functions:
- Elegant and minimalistic analogic dial with hours (12h), minutes and continuous seconds;
- 8 different colors schemes;
- Day of the month always visible;
- Battery level indication for smartwatch and phone given by hands colors and shape variations;
- Low battery consumption;
- Suitable for both circular and square dials.
It works on the following Android Wear Smartwatches:
(round display)
Motorola 360 (1st or 2nd gen)
LG G Watch R
LG Watch Urbane
Huawei Watch
Fossil Q Founder
TAG Heuer Connected
[square display]
LG G Watch
Samsung Gear Live
Sony Smartwatch 3
Asus ZenWatch (1st or 2nd gen)
Follow Ora-X on Instagram: @cris_sbk
Credit goes to a unique and special person whose moral support has been indispensable, thank you Ti.
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